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2006 Island Packet 440 Located in Marathon, FL (Keys)
2006 Island Packet 440 Located in Marathon, FL (Keys)
( / Yachts for Sale by IP Owners)
For Sale: Island Packet 380-16
For Sale: Island Packet 380-16
( / Yachts for Sale by IP Owners)
1990 32 Island Packet cutter
1990 32 Island Packet cutter
( / Yachts for Sale by IP Owners)
IP38, 1988, Located in Leros Island Greece
IP38, 1988, Located in Leros Island Greece
( / Yachts for Sale by IP Owners)
SOLD: 2002 IP 420, s/v Free Spirit
SOLD: 2002 IP 420, s/v Free Spirit
( / Yachts for Sale by IP Owners)

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